5.3 – Dolce

Hello again!

Previously on the Kalaya ISBI, Perano moved in, the family moved to Winchester Farming Community, Shiv moved out, and Cutlass became pregnant with the first baby of Gen 6. Oh, and Orion died, but who cares about that?


We begin this chapter with the knowledge that despite the wonderful lack of lag in this small town, it doesn’t eradicate the failure potential of the family, mostly due to the fact that they’re all IDIOTS.


See what I mean? And this one isn’t even a Kalaya.


Well, she isn’t a Kalaya… yet.


Axe does get a pass for being (I think) the first one to use the pool table I lovingly bought for them, and also for looking great while doing so.

Axe: Who, me? No, I’m not a model.


He may not be a model, but he is about to become an uncle because GENERATION 6 IS ON THE WAY!!!


Too bad he won’t get to experience uncle-dom, considering he’s about to move out of the house.


Really, Perano?

Chanel: Could you fucking not pee under my foot?
Perano: I couldn’t help it!


Axe: I wish to leave this house for all eternity!

Wish granted.


Annoyingly, the game crashed while I was giving Axe his makeover, meaning Perano’s last accident didn’t happen (good) but on the second run, Cutlass didn’t wish to marry Perano (bad).

But anyway, our final baby of Generation 5 leaves the house and heads straight to the Downloads page.


Just in time for our first baby of Generation 6 to arrive, wrapped in a yellow bundle and carried in the arms of a very unhappy looking mother.

Cutlass: I regret this.


Oh, COME ON. What is this, the 19th century?


Luckily it’s not, hence why we’re able to have several mother-daughter jam sessions in the kitchen. 19th-century noblemen would be vastly shocked at this.

Chanel: They can bite me!


I decided to keep the yellow cocoon in its cocoon-stage for a little longer than usual this time since I had a few things to get done. Not that anyone minded.

Perano: I love you, yellow one!


She apparently loved the yellow one so much that she immediately went upstairs and consumed enough jelly beans to turn herself the same colour.



Or maybe not?

Perano: I look like an idiot now.


Good thing her girlfriend doesn’t think she looks like much of an idiot.


I may have to keep an eye on Perano, however, since it seems she’s started on the path to jelly bean addiction.


In Spare news, it seems that everyone’s getting married these days. Despite being second in the race to have the first Gen-6 baby, Scimitar wins by being the first Gen-5 kid to get married, and Yin gets married again to his ex-wife. I really don’t understand their relationship.


Ari! Your great-great-great-grandkid was just born.

Ari: Don’t care. Rocking chair.


I think Chanel shares her great-grandma’s apathy towards her first grandkid, but luckily step-granddad Barry is on-hand to let the yellow bundle hear their grandma’s beautiful music.


And when the next day dawns, it’s time for a wedding! Yellow Bundle didn’t hesitate to let his feelings on the situation be known.


Despite his enthusiasm for getting away from this family, Axe was the first to arrive. Considering how he barrelled straight through the front door without opening it, however, it’s clear to me that growing up in this household doesn’t exactly do wonders for one’s intelligence.

Axe: Cutlass! Cutlass! Hi, Cutlass!


Chanel: God, my son is SO boring.


I think he took offence to that.


Oh man, I have to introduce you to one of the prettiest Sims I’ve ever created – this is Blueberry Pancake, and she is (wait for it…) SHIV’S GIRLFRIEND. Yeah, I have no idea how that happened. She is way too good for him.


One of the Spouse potentials I’d had lined up for Cutlass (Canary Corn, if you recall) was apparently bored enough to leave before the wedding actually happened.


Most of the guests did find their seats, but some didn’t sit quite where they were meant to.

Barry: What do you mean? I’m looking straight at the main event.

But you’re just staring at your wife- Oh, awww. That’s so cute.

Barry: No, I meant the maid behind her.

…You disgust me.


You know, I’m no expert in wedding etiquette, but I’m not sure you’re supposed to pick up a new job in the midst of the celebrations.

Shiv: It wasn’t me, it was… a ghost! A ghost did it!


As you can see, my view of the wedding got a little spoiled by Orion’s sister.

Nora: Wow, it’s Shiv! Shiv, I’m your biggest fan!
Yin: Remind me why I married her for a second time?

I didn’t even know why you married her the first time.

Yin: Me neither.


With Nora moved out of the way, we got onto the main event.


And then, as usual, we hit an impasse when it came to cutting the cake.

Cutlass: What kind of imbecile puts it directly beneath the stairs?

God, I know, right? What an idiot.


Is that better?

Cutlass: Yeah, now if you don’t mind, I’m going to cut this cake without bending my arm even once.


I knew it wouldn’t last.

Cutlass: Now to eat this delicious cake and ignore the fact that my wife has just pissed herself.
Barry (in background): Best wedding EVER!


With the wedding pretty much done (we got “awesome party, verging on epic”), it was time to feed the Yellow Bundle, and then age him up:


And so we welcome Bach to the family!

When I started playing this Generation, I was absolutely still using my genetic criteria to pick an heir (if they hadn’t rolled/locked in the Insane trait) but then I wound up throwing that to the wayside and picking the Gen-6 heir based on general personality and interesting-ness.

What I will say for Bach in terms of genetics is that he has Perano’s skintone, Cutlass, Chanel, and Antoine’s pink eyes (which are kind of becoming like the green hair in terms of how often they show up), and the black hair which may trace back to Blake, Ari, and Leighton, but it’s probably more just a random hair colour by this point.


Having toddlers in the house again means skilling, so we set Bach right to work with potty training.


And then some walking, watched on by the ever-helpful presence of Barry.


Speaking of which, it looks like I missed the day his lifebar was completely filled, so a day-late BarryWatch begins now.


And Scimitar has her baby! Ernesto is a cute name.


Chanel’s newest hobby seems to be breaking things around the house. She broke the washing machine, then immediately came up here and broke the sink and shower one after the other.

Chanel: I aim to cause you misery.

It’s working.


For not being Bach’s biological grandfather, Barry is actually a pretty good step-granda. He often takes Bach to listen to whatever instrument is being played in the main room.


I was totally waiting for this wish. This came courtesy of becoming good friends with Bach, and of course, I went straight to work fulfilling it.


Perano: You’re sure?
Cutlass: This is why I married you.


Tell me about it. I love playing as vampires, so I was ridiculously excited about this.


Walking learned!


Now onto talking. And awww, look at his widdle face.


Oh yeah, here’s something I didn’t know could happen. Apparently, if your Sim has the “mysterious blemish” moodlet and you use the moodlet manager to cure them, the moodlet disappears and they complete their metamorphosis. If you look back a few pics you’ll see that she wished to become a vampire near 9pm on Tuesday, and her metamorphosis completed at 5am on Wednesday. So, yay for accidental speeding up of vampire turning!

Perano: My wife just got 1000x more attractive.


To be fair, everyone gets more attractive when they’re a vampire.

Cutlass: It is known.


Look! No skill bar!


Guys, I think it’s a little disrespectful to risky woohoo on the bed of someone who’s not very long dead.

Perano: It’s alright, it failed.

That’s not really the point.



Barry: Mother?

You didn’t have a-




I’m not sure how, but Chanel manages to make her husband’s death all about herself. To be honest, I’m kind of impressed.


And so we say farewell to Barry Kalaya, the second of our two Gen-4 spouses, after he lived to 92 days old. After marrying the divorced sister of his ex-girlfriend who was also his cousin once removed but who he had no genetic similarities to since he was adopted, he had 3 children and 2 step-daughters with whom he had more of a relationship than their biological father did. He also leaves behind one grandson and one step-grandson. He had 45 skill points in 13 disciplines (mostly hidden skills), the highest actual skill being guitar, which he was level 6 in. He reached level 5 in the military career and accrued a total of 77,622 LTH.


As you can see, his widow was SO distraught.

Chanel: Hey, I rolled a wish to resurrect him!

That is true. So did Cutlass, actually, despite him not being her real dad.


Meanwhile, inside, Bach learns his final skill.


Which means he can age up!


He gets the requisite Insane trait and continues to look pretty darn cute.


While his mothers are already making plans to send him away.


And also replace him. Jeez, you guys.


Also, in Spare news, Shiv got married! I still think she’s too good for him.


Cutlass: Haha, pillow fights are fun!


Cutlass: OOF

Aaand that’s why you don’t start a pillow fight with a vampire. Even if you are one yourself.


Is this supposed to make me not want to send you away to boarding school?

Bach: Maybe. Is it working?

No. Also, you’re too late.

Bach: Dangit.


Cutlass got an invite to a party at Shiv’s place, so I decided to send Perano along too. Shiv spent an awful long time standing around outside in a pretty menacing way.


And as with every party I send my Sims to, I spent the whole time focusing on whatever pet the host has. In this case, it was Shiv’s puppy, Bridgitte.


Not that there was really much else to focus on at this party. Here is Cutlass reading a book.


Here is Perano heckling a guest.



It eventually culminated in everyone just kind of gathering in the living room and sitting awkwardly. Except for Perano, who started reading.


And then we got a pop, helped along by the muffled sounds of the foetus’ other mother playing guitar outside the window.


And in the morning, a sad farewell.

Cutlass: My son! My only son! Oh, how I’ll miss him.

You wanted him gone.

Cutlass: …Oh yeah.


And off goes Bach to learn about his namesake and other arty things.

Bach: Yaaay.

And that’s all for now! I’ve been doing a lot more playing recently, including having the first two pregnancies of Gen-6 (it’s a fertility treatment generation, so let’s just say that there are babies coming out my ears – metaphorically, of course), and the fact that just last night I reached Gen-2 with the Zarall EPIC. The next chapter of it should be going up soon since I’m starting to take turns with the chapters of both it and the Kalayas, it just doesn’t help that lately I’ve been wanting to play more than write (which NEVER happens).

Anyhoo, take the scores and happy simming!


Torch Holders: 5
Self-Wettings (-5): 89 (-445)
Pass-Outs (-5): 125 (-625)
Fires (-5): 5 (-25)
Failing School (-20): 2 (-40)
Demotion (-20): 2 (-40)
Getting Fired (-30): 0
Accidental Deaths (-10): 0
Social Worker Visits (-10): 0
Cheats (-10): 5 (-50)

Births (+5): 26 (+130)
Twin Births (+10): 5 (+50)
Triplet Births (+15): 1 (+15)
Fulfilling LTW (+40): 4 (+160)
Honour Roll (+5): 5 (+25)
Randomising every Trait + LTW for a Generation (+10): 4 (+40)
Not using Spares’ LTH Points for a Generation (+10): 4 (+40)
Every §100,000 (+20): 1 (+20)
Having an NPC Reach Top of their Career (+50): 0

Good: +480
Bad: -1225
Overall Total: -745

2 thoughts on “5.3 – Dolce

    • queentigress says:

      Isn’t he?? They do make some really cute kids, with a good amount of variety (and no green hair!!!!), I can’t wait until the rest get shown!

      Liked by 1 person

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